your own planet

the poetry of dr zen

Thursday, February 19, 2009


sssh don't say a thing
you have to trust
that when I take you by the hand
I'll lead you somewhere good

you have to trust
because I've never proved a thing

I opened up my arms
and let you in
so don't go

when something is good
but it goes unrewarded
do you feel sad that it does not have what it merits
or glad that you know?

because we separate
like ripples on a blank shore

I realise I
do not know a thing
because I ain't got that swing
I realise I
do not know how to
make anything

I cannot lift my hands to pray
tied down with a million tons of lead
I cannot lift my voice to say
that if we do not speak
we're dead

and fooled by
lights that were hung to distract us
from all the ones who loved us
from all the ones we were

and dead inside
wrapped ourselves in sorrow
when first we lied

sssh don't say a thing
you have to trust
that when I take you by the hand
I'll lead you nowhere at all

I have never been
anywhere at all


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