your own planet

the poetry of dr zen

Thursday, April 29, 2010


in the bud
so long, you wither
are you even
a flower any more?

come on sugar
water me
set me free
I will never die
if you love me

come on honey
flow over me
let me be

I don't know any other song to sing
but sorrow has a hold of me
I don't know any other world to live in
but I know there's ecstasy

come on sugar
be the sun for me
winter's long and cruel
I know that spring can be

I hope there's spring for me

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I earnt my poverty
without knowing I was
doing work that would bring it
and now I swim
in a cold, deep sea

I earnt a poverty
so deep and cruel
that I cannot find
any comfort
and want to drown
but cannot
force my arms
to surrender

I am nothing
I know it
why would anyone
want to love me?
I have nothing
to offer
but the howls of
a child
lost lonely and cold

I am nothing
I know it
and inside me
a small unstillable
is crying out
for her
to enrich me

but no one hears.