your own planet

the poetry of dr zen

Thursday, March 13, 2008


in a fig
a wasp lays an egg
just to die
just to live and die
a wasp in a fig is a stone in the tear in your eye

in a fig
a wasp lays its life down
a wasp has its lifetime
other wasps that eat you
make you
a wasp like they are
eating other wasps

if we fly
from fig to fig
if the world is too big
it is how big?
if we fly
from life to life
if life is too much
how much is our life?

I am kissing you now
because tomorrow is not written
it will come unbidden
but let it come
we will not be hidden

I am kissing you now
because we do not have forever
I never
think before I kiss
I think about what I might miss

I think about figs
rotting without wasps
to have lives to lose inside the figs
that give them lives to live inside
stones in the tears that never leave our eyes.

what is

what loves you
if I am nothing but a whisper in the wind
what cannot live if you are crying

what dies for you
if I die for you
what lives for you
to see you beautiful and free

what loves you
if I am nothing but the sunlight in my eyes
what cannot live if you are dying

who cries for you
for all the things that can go wrong for you
who lies and cheats
if someone has to lie and cheat for you

what loves you
if I am not here to love you
what loves you
but the cells of me
that cannot unlove you